July 2014 Horoscopes

Welcome to The Cosmos!

Sometimes, the wisdom we need in order to evolve into a better person, is dangling right outside of our normal frame of perception. Often, the answers we need are right beyond the veil –can you see the forest for the trees?

Looking to the Cosmos for guidance in our everyday lives can be super helpful, for many situations and issues. It forces us out of our stressful 9 to 5, “in the box” thinking, and blasts us right into the way our tribal ancestors thought; complete alignment with the cycles around us, and awareness of a planetary process of change and evolving. One that we're a part of, but one that’s much greater than our whole freaking earth! Our ancestors watched the Moon. We watch TV.

With that being said, I’d like to welcome you to the Obsidian Girl Magazine Horoscope page, where you can get your dose of REAL Astrological advice, based off of REAL Astrological events (not that newspaper sh*t! lol). If you read it with your heart, you'll get the message loud and clear. I promise :).

*Keep in mind that you DO have more than one sign. So remember to read the
sections for your Moon and Rising sign as well, if you know them. If you don’t, Stay
tuned for later Obsidian Girl editions. You gone learn ;).

Love Your Hood’s Mystic,

Mind+Body+Spirit Writer for Obsidian Girl Magazine
Daizy October C.C.H.T.

July 2014 Horoscopes

 Aries: For quite some time now, you’ve been in situations where you've felt pushed and pulled all over the place. The purpose of all of this erratic energy is to help you break out of those passé molds, and old-ass ways of thinking about yourself that do you NO good. Aries is the Ram, and the cosmos knows that you need a good head-butting sometimes, to push you in the right direction. The universe wants you to unapologetically know who you are, and is giving you a channel to express it through creativity and relationships. Accept it. It’ll get the wheels of your life turning. The 18th is a day to internally ask yourself “what do I really want for myself”. Don't let up until you’ve got your answer.

Taurus: The planet of love, beauty, art, and everything that makes us feel real good just got done doing a stint in your sign, and she loves it there. This should have given you the ability to artistically express yourself more easily, and could have brought new fun, friends, and lovers into your circle. July 7-8th could be a time to see into what you could be doing to make yourself a more “deep” or “psychic” person. You've been level headed so far, but is your contentedness be blinding you from seeing past what only appears? From your fears?

Gemini: June was a doozy for you, but it’s cool cause that’s how Gemini likes it, yo. Any part of your life that you've been reflecting on, rethinking, or wanting to change will naturally start to come into affect around the 3rd and 4th of the month when Mercury is no longer retrograde. Don’t be afraid to spend more time having interesting chats and experiences with friends – they have something to teach you about putting your dreams into motion. Share, trust, and listen open-heartedly.

Cancer: Happy Birthday to my Cancer boo’s, it’s #CANCERSEASON! For at least the last 6 months, you've been learning about healing your mind, heart and spirit, by daring to uplift yourself and express your true beliefs and opinions, go you! Around the 24th, prepare to continue this energy over into Leo season. Get close to family, friends, and loved ones, and show them who you've really become. Bust Loose! Let them enjoy and receive it all. It’ll feel so damn good! That’s important for you, Cancer.

Leo: If you're a Leo born in July, be prepared for some awesome opportunities to slide their way on over to you. This month, around the 22nd, you’ll have opportunities to shine, be center stage, take a leadership or teacher role, and express yourself on a greater scale (artistic praise? A promotion?). No one does it like you, Leo. Just make sure it doesn’t go to your head, and is for the benefit of other people, as well as yourself. August get’s even hotter for you. We'll talk again then.

Virgo: Things are a little “quiet” for you this month, but you probably don’t need too much drama anyway (leave that to Leo). Keep on developing that special unique skill that you have. It’s literally been right in front of you, so cradle it and appreciate it. Accept compliments on your work. Be like a sponge and continue to absorb all the positive spiritual vibrations around you. It’ll take your visions to the next level if you focus on the good sh*t, and make peace with how it is in the now. You’re always trying to be on some “next level” type stuff. Here’s how to do it with minor effort, maximum efficiency.

Libra: Like your opposite sign Aries, you’ve been taking actions and daring to step out on your own time and in your own mind. Libras born in September and early October, kudos to your braveness! On the 18th, the Libras born in late October will get even more clarity about what it is that you want, and you’ll be able to pick up the baton and sprint toward the finish line. No time to be passive-aggressive. Make who you are & what you want very clear to others. That’s not mean. It’s being truthful. Being REAL gets you what you want this month. You know assertive diplomacy. Use it. That way, you’re both liked and respected.

Scorpio: The old wizard planet Saturn has been making it’s way through your sign for like the last 2 years now. Depending on your level of Can-Do-ness, you've either spent it uncovering and healing emotional blockages, or letting the stresses and pressures of the blockage continue to pin you under it’s thumb. Continue to solidify yourself, grow up, and let go of the victim mentality. You're learning to be a magic-maker right now. Let that empower you to trust your accomplishments.

Sagittarius: I probably don’t even need to tell you this, because you probably already know – but now is the time to deepen your spiritual search. If you've been looking for something to give you a sense of personal and spiritual fulfillment, it’s right around the corner. Meditate, with friends, on the 9th. It’ll help you open up the part of yourself that’s a true healer, and will open a space for others to heal you. It’s a real sentimental time. Just go with it.

Capricorn: We started the year off with a lot of energy in Capricorn, and now that the year is halfway through, you can see what you've built with that. Pluto is in your sign, and It’ll be there for quite a while. Pluto’s forcing you to break down any weak foundations or staleness in your character (by exposing your dark sh*t to you), and helping you to clear space to build something better. Keep on building. July 11th should bring you internal, and help you purge some more of that stuff. And trust me, that’s a GOOD thing.

Aquarius: You’re pretty much coasting through July on an intellectual high, aren’t you Aquarius? Dope conversations with dope people, neat activities to get into, and maybe some writing or artistic creativity will be in play. Take it easy, as August will be time of more active, creative endeavors to you. Let the ideas marinate! You'll be using them soon.

Pisces: Earth to Pisces! For the next like 10 years, you’ll be undergoing a gradual spiritual and visionary transformation. You're learning just how psychic you are, how coincidences seem more than just “luck”, and that taking things easy and light is key. Continue letting go of any attachments or addictions you have (codependency in relationships is addiction too). Continue to go with the flow, and live life like you're already in the afterlife. Magic happens there.

Good Luck, and Be Well!

-Daizy October.

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