Happy to be Nappy

Happy to be nappy? That's a phrase I never thought I'd be confident saying. However, almost two years and hundreds of "big chops" later, I am here to tell you, I have never felt more comfortable in my own skin! 

Ladies, allow your kinks, coils, and curls to spring free; embrace your natural beauty.
Trust me, I understand the transition is difficult.
Me: "Hello my name is, Crystal...."
Crowd interjects: "Hi, Crystal"
Me: "...and I'm an ex-weave-wearer." 
I wore a weave for about five years, it was my hiding place. I had a problem with my forehead and I definitely had a problem with my natural hair. So, religiously, I was in a salon chair every two weeks. And I dare not take my weave out before scheduling a hair appointment.

Going weave-less was not an option for me, it would have been a nightmare.

How I felt about myself was wrapped up in a hairstyle. I realized this the summer after my freshmen year in college. I came home and my parents told me they would no longer be paying for me to get my hair done. It was too expensive.
Frustrated at first, I pleaded. When they didn't budge in their decision I felt stuck. From the hands of my mom to the salon, I had never done my own hair.
The evolution went something like: a wild child hairdo, to straight strands, bantu knots and box braids. Finally ready to own my natural beauty, I managed my own hair for a year.
Then, January 6, 2013 rolled around, I big chopped and have not looked back since.
I encourage, no matter the hairstyle, wear it and don't let it wear you. For natural hair help and suggestions, stay tuned.- Crystal Milner

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