November Horoscopes

Aries: There’s been a lot going on for you since mercury retrograde last month in

October – you should have learned quite a few lessons; especially about creating

a healthy balance between your fiery power and the power of another (a partner,

a co-worker, a boss, etc). November is the time to celebrate where these newly

balanced relationships could take you! Enjoy being truthful and hearing the truth

from others. It’s a healthy and beneficial medicine!

Taurus: With Venus, the Sun, and Saturn in your opposite sign Scorpio, this month

has probably carried the theme of “attraction” to you. You may have found yourself

in some really beautiful places, around some really beautiful people, who are doing

some really powerful things. Taurus, if you are in a relationship, it’s time to deepen

it with some Scorpio energy. Get closer to your partner! Take your attraction to

both the physical and sub-physical levels – it’ll make your relationship even more

wholesome. If you’re a single Taurean, keep on mingling! You might find that

someone sexy wants to be “more than friends” soon.

Gemini: Mid-November, the Sun enters your opposite sign of Sagittarius, which

means two things: It’s your half-birthday, and, It’s time to get EXPEREMENTAL. It’s

time to call up your old eclectic friends, and do some really cool things. You really

need a breath of fresh air, and around the 23rd

get it. Plan a road trip, buy tickets to that FUNK show, put on that tye-dye t-shirt,

and do the damn thing! Being around groups of people & a community of like (and

different) minds will be the refresher you need.

Cancer: You’ve been getting mostly supportive energies from #ScorpioSeason,

as the passionate planet Mars moves through your opposite sign of Capricorn all

this month. Mars is a physical, MOVEMENT oriented planet, and in your case, it’s

either move or be moved. Time to take action, Cancer. Are you suppressing any

passionate feelings about something? Bring them out into the world, like, now. Got a

plan you’ve been waiting to execute? Why wait, yo? If you don’t release that pent up

energy, Mars has a history of manifesting mean or tyrannical people in our lives that

force that passion/anger out of us. Is that what you want? Probably not. SO JUST DO


Leo: This month is a month full of decisions for you Leo. Jupiter has been zipping

though your sign, giving you the spiritual expansion and perspective change you

need to move into this next step in your life. Take the synchronicites, the powerful

people you meet, and the soul-healing situations you find yourself in as a sign

that you’re doing the right thing, and should start to settle in this magic. Make the

decision to live there.

Virgo: You’ve been getting supportive energies from #ScorpioSeason this month,

and they may have been exciting! New people, new scenarios & locations, finding

out deeper truths. Towards the end of the month, you’ll have the chance to make use

of what you’ve learned and share the news. Get organized, Virgo. You’ll have some

presentations to make, speeches to deliver, and revelations to share.

 of this month is the best time to

Libra: Things are rebalancing for you after all that Mercury retrograde energy in

your sign in October. November 10th

forward. It may bring up a situation from the past that you thought was “dealt with”,

but it will give you the opportunity to deal with it from a smarter point of view –

keep your eyes open for it! Stand strong, and handle it the best way Libra knows

how – with ease, style, and grace !

Scorpio: It’s #SCORPIOSEASON, and I know you wouldn’t have it any other way,

dear scorpion! This season is special, because not only did we open it with an

Eclipse AND a New Moon, we opened it highlighting the planet Venus – the Goddess

of beauty, love, and pleasure. Your birth month will be a feel-good time for you as

you embody the Goddess herself – sexy, sensual, and pleasant. You may have even

caught someone giving you the googly eyes of the lust-wink, around your birthday,

lol. Take it all in stride Scorpio. Your power makes waves. Be you.

Sagittarius: #SAGSEASON will be here around the 22nd

be a mash-up of energy in your sign over the next couple of months. This month, you

may have a lot more to say, and inspiration should spring from you like an endless

well – you’ll definitely feel more apt to mingle and mix with other inspiring people.

This is good, because soon after, the sturdy planet Saturn will be entering your sign

– giving you the message to take what you’ve learned, and make it real, tangible, and


Capricorn: BOOM! And just like that, Mars the warrior planet charges through your

sign, clearing out any and all old cloggy data, useless dependencies, and giving you

the energy you need to consciously move forward of any goals that you’ve set for

yourself. As it continues, remember to channel that fiery energy into something

useful for yourself. Keep any controlling or tyrannical tendencies at bay, and direct

that steam right on into your goals.

Aquarius: Release is the name of the game Aquarius, and I know you’re feeling it.

Keeping a keen and open eye to the beliefs, thought patterns, people, and habits

in your life that need to be let go will bring you a lot more clarity, and a lot more

space to breathe and “do you”, which is extremely important for Aquarians. Any job,

relationship, or ideology that has you feeling bogged down or tied to the past, cut

those cords ASAP.

Pisces: This month, is all about puttin’ in some of that crown chakra work, and

tuning into some messages from the cosmos Pisces. I mean, it’s always about spirit

with Pisces, but this month, it’s about taking that extra step that brings you that

much closer to the outer realms. Have you been meditating? Trying to Lucid dream?

Visited your nearest body of water? No? You f*ckin’ up, lol. For the months to come,

you’re going to have to build a solid foundation for your non-physical self. Sound

confusing? Meditate on it ;-).

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